Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Away From Home
Bro. Wayne came over to help us clean it up and then offered to let us stay at their house until we can get rid of the smell. Mom is worried, but I think it is just proof that I'm finally getting to Ben. So the verse of the day (week?) is Acts 5:41, "And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His name."
Sunday, December 2, 2007
You Should See the House

Thursday, November 29, 2007
What if we all did what was right?
Think about it. A musician could offer his music freely on his website with the statement that anyone who wants it must pay him for it. Perhaps he could tell them that they may listen to any of his work once, but if they want to listen to it more than that then they will have to pay him. There would be no more thirty-second preview, but rather people could listen to the whole song before making a decision. Stock photo sites would not need to add a watermark to their pictures. If someone used the photo then they would simply pay for it.
Is that a world that you would like to see? Would you like to be able to examine intellectual property before you decide to buy? Would you like to examine a book online before making a purchase? We may never see that world, but we can move in that direction. Do you abide by the rules set by the content creators? If you do not then you are adding to the problem. Are you cheating people out of the money they deserve for their efforts? You cannot control what other people do, but you can control your own actions. If may be that you do not think that the content is worth the amount of money the owner is requesting. Perhaps it is not, but that does not give you the right to copy it without paying. If you don’t like the price then don’t use it. The choice is up to you, no one else.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Bumble Bee's a Grand Mother
Monday, November 12, 2007
Prayer Boring? I Don't Think So.
Rachel Hauck says that she most often hears people describe prayer as boring. Well I never do and I have never heard anyone describe it that way. I have to wonder what kind of person would think that prayer is boring. Prayer isn’t boring. You try waking up with a train on top of you after praying and see if you think prayer is boring.
So maybe most people don’t end up in a train wreck, but I still don’t see how prayer can be boring. I’ve heard some boring prayers. I once heard a guy pray for ten minutes. That was boring, but when I pray it isn’t boring. What can be boring about talking to God? That’s all prayer is. Does it bore you when spend time talking to your friends? I know that I am never bored with talking my friends. If I get bored with a subject I change the subject. If you are talking to God and it is boring you then change the subject, it is probably boring him too.
God is our heavenly father. He cares for us. He wants to know what is important to us. If we are bored with what we are telling him or what we are asking of him then it probably isn’t important to us. Instead of talking about stuff that isn’t important, talk about the things that are.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Under His Wings, Behind His Shield
The verse implies that we will do more than hide within his protection, we are called to go out and fight. As we go, we have something to protect us. What is it? The truth of the Lord. As we go out into the world, we are going to be facing the enemy. It won't be arrows or a sword that will be coming at us. The fight we face is one of words and ideas. People have many ideas that they believe to be true. They will be throwing them out there, trying to convince us that they are correct. They may become angry and accuse us when we disagree. If we do not have protection then we may be sucked into their lies. The truth is what will protect us. It will shield us from evil. There are many religious beliefs out there and many of them seem very logical. If we go on logic alone, we will lose the fight, but when we compare the beliefs of the world with the truth of God then we will not be taken in.
Where do you find God's truth? In the Bible. Look to the Bible for guidance. Study it and use it to help you determine whether a preacher is telling the truth or lying. Be like the people of Berea who we see in Acts 17:10, 11 "received the Word with allreadiness of mind and searched the Scriptures daily to see whether those things were so." Don't take mine or anyone else's word for it, search the scriptures and see if what we say is correct.