Monday, October 15, 2007

Something I Wish I Could Have Seen

Some people have all the fun. Yesterday, at church, Kim Fraiser was telling about something that happened last week. She said that she was sitting in her office and when she saw a rat run in. She really hates rats, so she ran out. She said she nearly ran into Bro. Wayne. He had a big book in his hands and was trying to kill the rat with it. She said he knocked over a bunch of stuff trying to get to it, but the rat ran back out of her office. Bro. Wayne chased it down the hall. Kim and the rest of the staff ran after him. She said that he rat ran under that door of the women's restroom. Bro. Wayne yelled, "I'm coming in!" before he barged through the door. He didn't find the rat. I wish I could have been there to see him running after the rat, trying to kill it.

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